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What is malicious code?

Hands are keyboard overlooking code on a phone screen

At a glance

  • Malicious code can compromise stored data, including protected information, on a device.
  • Signs of malicious code may include slow performance, pop-up ads, reduced storage space or frequent crashing of your device.
  • Common examples include computer viruses, Trojan horses, keyloggers, spyware and backdoor programs.
  • Learn about cybersecurity and information technology degree programs at 爱污传媒.

Malicious code is a term that describes any piece of code in a system or website that can stored on a device. In some cases, malicious code can give a hacker access to a protected device. In other cases, malicious code can exploit vulnerabilities to steal sensitive information from a device鈥檚 files.

Malware poses a major threat to network security, no matter the size or nature of your business. One form of malware, called ransomware, affected an estimated in 2022. Such concerns were expected to .

Fortunately, there are ways people can protect themselves from malware. Read on to learn more about the different types of malicious code.

Learn how to stop cyber threats with a Cybersecurity degree.

Possible effects of malicious code

There are several signs your device might be . Here are some of them:

  • Slower operating speeds 鈥 Your device might take longer to turn on, turn off or load specific browsers, programs or files.
  • Reduced storage space 鈥 Your device might show less available storage space, because malicious code is using a good chunk of what鈥檚 available.
  • Frequent crashing or freezing 鈥 Your device might frequently freeze or unexpectedly close the program you are using.
  • Unwanted or unfamiliar programs 鈥 Your device might unexpectedly load programs you didn鈥檛 click on. In other cases, you might see programs loading that you鈥檙e not familiar with.
  • Pop-up messages or ads 鈥 Your device might display random pop-up ads, particularly when you鈥檙e using a specific browser or internet-based program.
  • Disabled security solutions 鈥 You might notice your security settings or programs are automatically disabled when you turn on your device.
  • Strange desktop icons 鈥 You might notice unfamiliar desktop icons for programs you did not download.

These are only some of the signs that malware might be affecting your device鈥檚 performance. The exact effects of malware will vary depending on the type of malicious code that has infected your phone, tablet or computer.

Common examples of malicious code

Different types of malware affect devices in different ways with different consequences. While one form might take your files hostage, another might try to find and publicize your payment information.

Identifying different types of malicious code is the first step toward eliminating the code from your device. The faster you diagnose malicious code, the faster you can keep it from affecting your files or the integrity of your device.

Computer viruses

are often triggered by a user action and will spread from one computer to the next, infecting devices and files along the way. Viruses will negatively impact a user鈥檚 files or a network router鈥檚 hard drive. This usually happens when a virus modifies a device鈥檚 existing code and inserts its own code.

Computer viruses can be difficult to fully eliminate since they jump from one program to the next once they infiltrate a device. Your device can become infected by a computer virus after you unknowingly visit a malicious website, open a spam email or download a free software program or game. Once fully active, a computer virus can slow down your device and permanently damage your hard drive 鈥 while trying to steal your information.

Trojan horses

Trojan horses first appear as harmless or legitimate computer programs. After a user downloads the program, the releases a payload, or a set of malicious code, that carries out actions for hackers, which can then expose your programs to malicious intent. In many cases, a Trojan horse will explore your files, deleting data while looking for specific information. However, Trojan malware can be designed to do other things as well.

While sifting through your files, a Trojan horse can seriously slow down your computer鈥檚 processor. This makes it more difficult to use your device for even simple tasks, like checking email or browsing the internet. In some cases, a Trojan horse can also develop into ransomware 鈥 malicious software that blocks access to your device and data until the user pays a ransom.

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Logic bombs

A is another form of malicious code that is usually dormant until a specific trigger brings it to life. That trigger might be the opening of a file or program. In other cases, it activates after a certain amount of time passes.

Once activated, the malware can quickly compromise your device by releasing all sorts of harmful code. Sometimes, a logic bomb sends harmful spam email to a specific recipient. Others begin deleting files or sending data to hackers.


A keylogger听is a computer program that in order to steal information from your device.

Keyloggers work differently than many other forms of malicious code. Rather than immediately compromising your data or damaging your hard drive, they monitor each key you press. So, every time you type in a password, a credit card number or other sensitive information, the program records the strokes. This information is then delivered to hackers, allowing them access to your information.

Backdoor programs

A accesses your device鈥檚 files by directly bypassing your security protocols. These programs allow hackers to remotely access your device, using malicious code to negatively affect your hardware and software.

Cybercriminals who use backdoor programs typically want to access higher levels of your device. For example, they might circumvent your security to access your administration panel, which can lead to your otherwise secure information. Once the hacker has gained access to your device, they can install additional malware to inflict further damage.


Hackers who use spyware want to . This form of malicious code covertly downloads itself onto your device and then begins to gather your information and sends it to hackers.

Spyware requires an internet connection to work properly. It will monitor the specifics of your browsing habits 鈥 including your usernames and passwords, downloaded files, frequently browsed sites and other details 鈥 before delivering these details to cybercriminals. Criminals can use this information to log in to your accounts under your name and access your files, finances and other resources.

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Protecting yourself from malicious code

There are several ways to keep your devices and data safe from malicious code. Here are some common network security practices that can reduce the likelihood of a malware infection:

Install antivirus programs 鈥 Download and update high-quality security programs that actively monitor your device for all forms of malicious code.

Run regular malware device scans 鈥 Use your antivirus program to run manual scans of your device.

Back up important files 鈥 Regularly back up all important files to the cloud to make sure your data is safe in the event of a malware attack.

Avoid public Wi-Fi networks 鈥 Stay away from public Wi-Fi networks, unless absolutely necessary, to avoid hackers who might be using the network to access your device or its information.

Keep computer software updated 鈥 Update all software to patch vulnerabilities before hackers find ways to exploit them and access your device.

Watch out for suspicious links or attachments 鈥 Guard against any links or attachments you receive, particularly if those links are sent from unfamiliar contacts or email addresses.

How to learn more about malware and cybersecurity

Malicious code is constantly evolving. Every year, hackers find new ways to steal or extort information from device users. This trend has led to a significant increase in job opportunities for information security experts. From 2021 to 2031, . That is roughly 19,500 job openings in this field each year.

Education is the first step toward a meaningful cybersecurity career. To get into cybersecurity, you鈥檒l need to develop skills in areas like systems administration, coding and cloud security.

Depending on your preferred career, you might need to obtain a technology degree in cybersecurity, software development or a related field. Your employer might also request that you complete a cybersecurity-focused certificate program to further enhance skills in vulnerability analysis, wireless security and risk management.

The BLS Projected Growth for 2021-2031 is published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This data reflects BLS鈥 projections of national (not local) conditions. These data points are not specific to 爱污传媒 students or graduates.

Cybersecurity and IT education at 爱污传媒

Whether you鈥檙e seeking to gain a basic understanding of cybersecurity and other IT skills, or you鈥檙e a working professional looking to expand your knowledge, 爱污传媒 offers online course collections, certificates and degrees.

  • 鈥 This course collection can help you prepare to sit for the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam. Topics include the phases of ethical hacking, recognizing weaknesses and vulnerabilities of a system, social engineering, IoT threats, risk mitigation and more.
  • 鈥 This course collection can help you prepare to sit for the EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI) certification exam.听You鈥檒l learn about the latest technologies, tools and methodologies in digital forensics, including dark web, IoT, malware, cloud and data forensics.
  • Cybersecurity Digital Forensics Certificate 鈥 Ideal for students with a cybersecurity background, this certificate program covers methods for planning, implementing and monitoring security measures.
  • Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity 鈥 This online program teaches skills such as security policies, network security, cybersecurity and more.
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 鈥 Learn skills pertaining to information systems, system analysis, operations and cybersecurity.
  • Master of Science in Cybersecurity 鈥 With this degree you鈥檒l gain a deeper understanding of cybersecurity and operations at an enterprise level.

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