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College of Doctoral Studies

2022 Workshops

Research and Scholarship Enterprise (RSE) Workshop Series

The College of Doctoral Studies’ Research and Scholarship Enterprise (RSE) offers a variety of workshops for students, faculty, and alumni.

Below, you will find workshops offered during 2022. We have provided links to the videos and PowerPoints, when available. Please note if a video/PowerPoint is not listed, it is not available. Feel free to reach out to us if you have an idea for a future workshop.

Calendar of upcoming workshops

Summary of past workshops



Link to Video/Webinar Slides

January 4, 2022

Focus: Scholarship Development

Title:ILA 2022 Proposal Assistance Meeting

Description:Thiswebinarhelps the participants develop acceptable proposals for ILA 2022 conference.

January 27, 2022

dzܲ:Research Design

Title:Selecting the Appropriate Designs for your Research

Description:Thiswebinarprovides an overview of research designs and how to select appropriate designs for your study.

February 7, 2022

dzܲ:Scholarship Development

Title:Curtailing Bias in Research Studies

Description:Thiswebinarprovides an overview of identifying and mitigating research biases.

February 17, 2022

dzܲ:Alumni/Student Professional Development

Title:UOPX doctoral graduate guest speaker:Dissertation of the Year (DHA program) recipient Dr. Deborah Green-Gonzalez

Description:Join this webinar to learn about doctoral journey of the speaker and how the doctoral degree from UOPX impacted career development of the speaker.

February 24, 2022

Focus: Data Collection

Title:Tips for Conducting Interviews

Description:This workshop provides an overview of tips, issues, strategies, effective practices, and challenges for conducting interviews.

March 10, 2022

Focus: DataAnalysis

Title:Quantitative Correlation Analysis

Description:This workshop provides an overview of how to analyze a correlation research design.

March 17, 2022

dzܲ:Research Design

Title:Introduction to Heuristic Research Design

Description:This workshop introduces heuristic research design and how to use it in research.

March 24, 2022

dzܲ:Student Professional Development

Title:Exploring Expectations of Doctoral Learners

Description:This session provides some of the stated and assumed guidelines for doctoral students to model in completing their doctoral studies to include their dissertation journey. The attributes of doctoral students include exhibiting professional language, behavior, and accountability. These attributes lead to their growth as Scholar- Practitioner-Leader and enable them to embrace and excel in each phase of the doctoral program by accepting progressive levels of accountability, responsibility, and academic rigor in writing their dissertation.

April 21, 2022

Focus: Research Design

Title:Sample Size for Qualitative Designs

Description:How to identify proper sample size for various qualitative designs.

April 28, 2022

Focus: Data Analysis

Title:Quantitative Correlation Analysis

Description:This workshop provides an overview of how to analyze a correlation research design.

May 12, 2022

dzܲ:Acdemic Writing Series

Title:Academic Writing 101: Write Right

Description:Writing in the academic environment requires an attention to grammar and precision. The mechanics of style in writing are the rules that must be followed when preparing written documents in the academic environment. An attention to the mechanics of style allows research strategies and formatting to become systematic and consistent across all written work. This interactive session will focus on punctuation, paragraph formation, capitalization, abbreviations, numbers, and statistics in text. Participants will focus on how academic writing differs from other types of writing and why the use of colloquialisms, jargon, chiches, and anthropomorphisms are not allowed.

May 19, 2022

dzܲ:Alumni/Student Professional Development

Title:UOPX doctoral graduate guest speaker: Dissertation of the Year (EDD program) recipient Dr. Jenae Whitfield

Description:Join this webinar to learn about doctoral journey of the speaker and how the doctoral degree from UOPX impacted career development of the speaker.

May 26, 2022

dzܲ:Research Design

Title:"How do I get started with the research process?"

Description:This interactive session is designed to assist students with the process of developing ideas around topics related to their programs into researchable problem statements. Students are encouraged to bring ideas for development within guided development activities.

May 31, 2022

dzܲ:Scholarship Development

Title:Academic Blogging Part I

Description:Blogging is an art form all it's own. But blogging for anyone and blogging with an evidence-based academic approach are two different things. Learn the basics from Dr. Luster who blogs for Psychology Today.

June 9, 2022

dzܲ:Academic Writing Series

Title:The Art of Academic Writing: Mastering the Art of Writing Like a Scholar

Description:A writing session designed to introduce students to the practice of writing for academic purposes. It will prepare students for work in doctoral courses in which research writing is a requirement and introduces basic research writing skills including: synthesizing, paraphrase, summarizing, direct quotations, and critical thinking.

June 15, 2022

dzܲ:Professional Development

Title:CEITR Virtual Open House

June 16, 2022

dzܲ:Research Design

Title:Different Type of Delphi

Description:This workshop provides an overview of Real time Delphi, Quantitative Delphi

June 30, 2022

dzܲ:Academic Writing Series

Title:Synthesizing: How to Make Sense of the Literature

Description:This session details how to sort articles by themes or categories in preparation for writing your literature review; show how the articles relate to one another (through comparisons and contrasts); reveals how each articlemakes its own point about the topic and finally, how each article establishes its own argument or subargument.

July 7, 2022

Focus: Academic Writing Series

Title:What do you Mean "Reviste"? Embracing Faculty Feedback

Description:This session focuses on how doctoral learners should implement faculty feedback to promote rigor and quality in their course work and in developing the prospectus, precis, proposal, and dissertation. The goal of the feedback is to guide doctoral students in developing the academic, research, and writing skills that enhance leaders and researchers throughout the doctoral journey. The Change Matrix is a tool designed to help doctoral learners throughout each stage of the dissertation writing process to capture the essence of writing and revising in response to the feedback presented by the committee.

July 14, 2022

dzܲ:Research Procedure

Title:Repeated Measures as Research Design and Repeated Measures (Bonferroni vs Tukey's)

Description:This workshop provides an overview of how to analyze a repeated measure research design.

July 21, 2022

dzܲ:Data Collection

Title:Data Saturation

Description:This workshop provides an overview of issues, strategies, effective practices for data saturation.

August 11, 2022

dzܲ:Research Procedure

Title:Overview of How to Analyze Logistic Regression

Description:This workshop provides an overview of how to analyze a logistic regression.

August 18, 2022

dzܲ:Alumni/Student Professional Development

Title:UOPX doctoral graduate guest speaker:Dissertation of the Year (DBA/DM program) recipient Dr. Wayne McCoy

Description:Join this webinar to learn about doctoral journey of the speaker and how the doctoral degree from UOPX impacted career development of the speaker.

September 1, 2022

dzܲ:Scholarship Development

Title:Academic Blog Part II

Description:Blogging for the Hub and supporting your writing and scholarship within the Research Hub.

September 22, 2022

dzܲ:Data Analysis

Title:Policy Delphi Method

Description:This workshop provides an overview of conducting Policy Delphi Method.Effective practices, issues,and challenges related tothis design will be discussed.

October 27, 2022

dzܲ:Research Design

Title:Case Studies & Triangulation

Description:Explanation of finishing step of bringing together all the types of data analysis for a conclusion in a case study.

November 10, 2022

dzܲ:Scholarship Development

Title:Humility Receiving Feedback, Progressing Through Dissertation Process

Description:Explanation of how to accept and incorporate feedback for dissertation enhancement.

November 17, 2022

dzܲ:Alumi/Student Professional Development

Title:UOPX Doctoral Graduate Guest Speaker:Career support

Description:Join this webinar to learn about UOPX support for career development.